
A website, voter registration drive, Twitter bot, and exercise in political imagination

A drawing of Chance with a 2019 hat

We want a mayor who will fight for public education. We want a mayor who will reinvest in black and brown communities on the South and West Sides. We want a mayor who will address our epidemic of gun violence without the brutality of police or prisons. We want a mayor who will let the young people of Chicago lead.

#chano4mayor was a maybe-serious campaign to get Chance the Rapper to run for mayor of Chicago in 2019.

A screenshot of chanoformayor.com

It got some major coverage, including an endorsement from Drake, an on-air shoutout from Stephen Colbert in an interview with Chance, an Ebony cover story, and a write-up on just about every music site.

A screenshot of chanoformayor.com

A screenshot of chanoformayor.com

A screenshot of chanoformayor.com

I developed this project with Jean Cochrane, Kalil Smith-Nuevelle, and Alex Soble.